What is Reiki? (ray-key)

Reiki is a natural healing system designed to assist in bringing balance to a person or animal. Reiki is a universal life force energy. It will go where it is needed. It is very calming to you and your animals. It can be done either in person or long distance.
The purpose of the Reiki practitioner is to be a vessel through which the energy can flow -- to let go and allow Reiki to do its work, without expectation or attachment to outcome.
For the client, Reiki can be very relaxing as it helps to balance the mind, body, and spirit. And a balanced body can heal. Reiki can help with many different stresses affecting the body.
A full treatment lasts an hour. You are fully clothed and lie down on a massage table. I will then place my hands on your body, or they can hover above if you are uncomfortable with touch. You will lie down on your back for the first half of the session and then on your stomach for the second half. After the hour is complete, you will be asked to drink some water. The water continues to flush your system. A person may experience heat, cool, or tingling sensations, and each session is unique.
Reiki for an animal looks quite different, as the animal is in charge of the session. The practitioner begins by asking for their permission to receive Reiki, after which it is offered. The animal will then move their body to the most needed areas. Animals are so intuitive that they know just what they need. The practitioner will offer Reiki for one hour, though the animal usually does not want to receive for the entire hour.
Additional information about Bee Calm Reiki's practice and more about Reiki can be seen in this newspaper article from the Observer-Tribune in August 2017.